Day 31: Irmon the City of Hope (for Sorcerously Advanced)

The last character for the last day! I'm coming over all emotional.

Within and between the minds of all living beings are the Dream Realms. They are invisible but ever-present. Every thought and feeling connects to them, every nightmare spawns a new one or rejoins an old one.¨

You were brought into the world by some cruel dreamer, the only native of Lost Hope, a great and looming city. In this place fragments of forgotten cities and forgotten people seemed to end up. Each was tormented by empty grief, connected to lost memories. High above its heavenly mirror image (called Nepenthe) glimmered. It was no doubt meant as a further punishment, a place too far to go, too high to reach. Instead it gave you hope. The world was surely greater than these two opposites? The city was your birthright, and you would make it your own. So you became a hovel, then a house, then a street festooned with garlands and grotesques. You shrugged off your body and exchanged it for the place that was no longer Lost Hope.

As the city changed, so too did the visitors. Dreamers with visions, with unresolved creativity, inner lives that bubbled like soap or like tar. Some dreams you let burst, but others you nurtured or incorporated within yourself.

You gained some fame in the waking world, and more came. Explorers and sorcerers. Refugees and reformers. Some were welcomed, but others wanted to change you, make you some other city. These interlopers were largely rejected, but some returned, like flies.
Lately you have started recruiting, extending your borders into other dreams, and into the waking world. Your highest spires even touch Nepenthe far above.

Concept: The prince that is his own city-state
Civilization: None
Society: None

Earthly Form: Physical, Balanced, Single (but very big!), Sprang Full-Grown, Embodied (Infrastructure I)

Core Values
Be Who You Are 5
Grand Works 3
Self-Preservation 4
Reciprocity 3
Expansion 3


Artistry: Oneiromancy (Power: 7)
The Burning Dream
Dream Travel


Communion (impress!) 5
Industry (improvisation) 1
Mystery (things of wonder) 4
Self (protective) 2
Trickery (no lies - deeper truths) 5
War (dirty fighting) 1

Expertise: Satori
Theurge (Oneiromancy) 5

Import: 5


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