The Last Days of Kranium Kastle

This is a hack of TROIKA! (and Fighting Fantasy in general). You play the part of a creature serving an evil overlord. The war against the Forces of good isn’t going as planned, and it may be time for some hard decisions. Do you stay and fight or desert? Do you try to switch sides (as if the Forces of Good would ever trust or shelter you)? Or do you maybe have some crazy scheme which might turn the tide in your favor, and visit doom upon the armies of elves, dwarves, humans and warrior angels.

This hack is inspired by Fighting Fantasy books (particularly The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Citadel of Chaos, Phantoms of Fear and Creature of Havoc).

Thanks to Eric Nieudan for letting me borrow his crowblins!

It's all literal with these guys


Roll for SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK as described in TROIKA!

Roll d3+3 to determine Skill
Roll 2d6+12 to determine Stamina
Roll d6+6 to determine Luck
Roll d66 on the Background Table and record the skills and possessions offered. Your skill total in any skill are the total of your base skill plus the given skill rank from your background.

11: Goblin Dogsbody
What are goblins made of? Chaos and snot, and meat left to rot. Goblins are small dark green people with noses, mouths, ears and big toes out of proportion to the rest. They are the backbone and the whipping boys of any evil horde. They're smarter than you think, and often manage to get away when the overlord is slain and his citadel is burning.

A weapon of your choice
A hooded shirt OR good shoes (but not both)
Bone dice

Awareness 1
Climb 1
Bow Fighting 1
Club Fighting 1
Knife Fighting 1
Run 2
Sleight of Hand 2
Sneak 2

12: Brother of the Mephitic Sycophantry Fellowship
Evil has a problem with cohesion and loyalty. It has a tendency to undermine itself for profit, fun, or out of duty. The Fellowship of Mephitic Sycophantry belong in that last category. They are minor imps and sundry hell-beings filling up the ranks of an evil horde. They masquerade as bungling acolytes and feckless goblins, experts at licking boots and nothing else. Even if an evil power-grab fails due to incompetence and ego-bloat, these infernal creatures win.

Dark brown robe
Sacrificial dagger
Marbles (for people to step on and fall)
Pet centipede

Acrobatics 2
Awareness 2
Disguise 4
Sleight of Hand 1
Sneak 1
Spell: Babble 1

13: Chaos Mutant

Disorder is a part of evil. Some philosophers might say that change would be impossible without the Forces of Evil, but that is a topic for workshy scholars. It is true that the energies of reckless magic and of the lower planes change some creatures in horrid and wondrous ways. As such one is quite likely to find mutated creatures filling the ranks of any evil horde. Maybe the changes twisted their minds as well, but it is just as likely that no one else would take them in.
Chaos mutants are often bitter and casually cruel. Some rise to become overlords themselves, but most die as grunts.
Roll once on each table. If two results conflict, the negative one wins. Sorry.

Base creature
Positive mutation
Negative mutations
Sneak 1
Two heads
No legs, slug-like lower body. Can’t run.
Strength 1
Extra eyes
Cannot be surprised
One eye. -1 SKILL
Secret Signs – Reptilian 1
+1 ATTACK (as morning star)
Goat mouth. Can only bray.
Etiquette 1
as modest armor
Coral bones,
One Crafting skill 2
Mantis legs,
Run 3
Massive claws, can’t hold most things. Large beast damage
Fist Fighting 1
Mass of tendrils,
Sleight of Hand 1
Wrestling 2
Pug body, -3 STAMINA. Awareness 1

A weapon of your choice
Mismatched rags
A jug of rotgut

Awareness 1
Fighting Skill of your choice 2
Run 1
Sneak 1
Strength 1
Wrestling 1

14: Crowblin Scout
A crowblin is a crow-like goblin, or a goblinoid crow. It walks on two legs, has a beak, and can, on a good day, manage a few moments of awkward half-flight. Their cawing voices carry far, and almost always seem to have a hint of glee and raucous ridicule. Goblins say they're another dumb experiment gone wrong, while crowblins consider themselves to be an example of divine improvement. This disagreement has made the crowblins adept at hiding, even from their more numerous cousins.

A crossbow with twenty black-feathered blots
A leather cuirass (Light armor)
1D6 shiny pilfered objects
A firkin of crowblin ale (imagine a chicken broth beer)

Climb 3
Fist Fighting 1
Gambling 1
Crossbow Fighting 2
Sneak 4

15: Fanged Gentlebeast
It is humanity’s own fault if the fanged gentlebeast has joined the evil horde. Not long ago it lived in a cave or a hollow tree, a quiet philosopher of nature. If it ate a sheep, a child or a serf, it was no more than is lost to wild animals and accidents. Their fire. Their traps and their rage was a crude intrusion into unfettered contemplation. Anything that happens now is on them.

Fangs & Claws (Modest Beast)
Fur (Lightly armored)
Parchment and sketching quill

Awareness 1
Fist Fighting 2
Run 2
Sneak 2
Tracking 2
Spell: True Seeing 2

16: Hogoblin Grunt
A hogoblin is a pig-headed goblin of greater-than-average size. Their pig-headedness is literal, but figurative as well. They have been bred to be frontline fighters, with less propensity for cowardice than their goblin cousins. Maybe that succeeded a little too well, as they are liable to take their porcine rage out on each other at inopportune moments. They can sometimes be distracted with food.

Serrated blade
Nose ring

Blade Fighting 2
Fist Fighting 2
Another Fighting skill of your choice 2
Ride 1
Run 1
Strength 1
Wrestling 1

21: Renegade Lizardperson
Lizardpeople generally find mammals distasteful and weak, but a few join evil hordes due to serving the same masters (mainly serpent demons), or as slave warriors. A lizardperson looks like an upright crocodile with opposable thumbs, and it acts like its shit does not stink.

Bow and 20 arrows
Breast plate
Claws and teeth (small beast)
Raw meat in a tightly wrapped bundle

Bow Fighting 1
Poison 2
Polearm Fighting 1
Secret Signs – Reptilian 2
Swim 3
Tracking 1

22: Meatpatch Man
The meatpatch man is a creature made from patches of skin and flesh, stretched over mismatched bones. The skin sags sickeningly in one place, and is contoured sharply over bones in another. It is the product of dark magic and medicine, and has no place in the natural order of things. It stinks of formaldehyde too.
A meatpatch man has few allies in this world, except for those few that are deemed similarly freakish.

A collection of teeth
Sewing kit
Femur (treat as club)

Club Fighting 2
Fist Fighting 2
Second Sight 4
Strength 3

23: Rhino-man
Rhino-men are not the creation of a mad wizard. Rather they are victims of human expansion and endless dwarven work. They are formidable but rare, often working for an evil overlord, seeing this as a reasonable step to get revenge on the ‘soft ones’ in their cities and their sprawling mazes.

Horn (counts as dagger)
Thick Skin (rhino men always count as
being modestly armoured)
Knuckle dice
Half full firkin of Rhino-beer (20 rations worth)

Gambling 1
Glaive Fighting 3
Run 2
Strength 2

24: Filth-Crone of the War Spinneries
Some call them the Norns’ step-sisters or a poor man’s Furies. No one does so around the filth-crones however. A filth-crone is the oldest, ugliest, grimiest and most hatchet-faced woman you can imagine. She smells of asparagus and piss. The Filth-Crone weaves visions of the future on her gross loom, and the smart overlord will often consult her before a battle.

Gross loom
Gross woolen dress
A jug of strong troll-spirits

Astrology 4
Healing 1
Second Sight 3
Spell: Fear 1
Spell: Weave Premonition (same as Read Entrails, but uses a woven piece of fabric) 3
Spell: True Seeing 2

25: Hogoblin Watchman
It is usually an older and less aggressive hogoblins who have the task of patrolling the dark citadel and grounds. They have turned their pig-rage into an omnidirectional paranoia that is quiet, yet intense. The watchman has survived fighting the Forces of Good, as well as all the dangers in an overlord’s lair. His fears are solid, educated ones, and their causes are all around him.

Sensible nose ring
Morning star
Flask of oil
Soft pillow

Awareness 3
Blunt weapon Fighting 2
Fist Fighting 2
Sneak 1
Strength 1
Wrestling 1

26: Doom-Shade
A doom-shade is an undead agent of the netherworld, a glum shadow-warrior, secretly overjoyed at being out of Hell for while. Physically it appears as a tattered black cloak floating silently by. Occasionally a grinning skull peers out from under the cowl.
No one suspects this, but doom-shades will sometimes twist an overlord’s plans slightly, if it means staying ‘top-side’ a little longer.

Communion-stone (a faintly glowing rock which lets the shade speak to its infernal master – if said master deigns to respond).
Shadowy greatsword
A doom-shade wears no visible armor, yet always counts as being modestly armored

Second Sight 1
Sneak 4
Sword Fighting 4

31: Ogre Sous Chef
Ogres may not be clever, but they know food. Any ogre worth its spice rack has sampled all sorts of meat it has encountered, including the ritual devourment of their parents (with garlic). As such it is not uncommon to see ogres in an evil overlord’s kitchen. Sometimes a brawl will break out and someone will become a main ingredient. The food always tastes great though.

Cooking pot
Spice Rack

Cooking 4
Cleaver Fighting 2
Poison 1
Strength 3

32: Troll Accountant
A troll is a large, lumpen creature, known mainly for its refusal to die from natural causes. They do however have a faculty for accounting and number-crunching.
Some say this ability was a gift from one of the Lords of Misrule, and that there is a circle of Hell where trolls endlessly subtract and divide the body parts of the damned. However it may be, trolls invented the abacus and the concept of zero, but still regard fire with religious awe. An evil overlord will often have a troll in charge of the treasure chamber. Trolls care little for gold, but hate discrepancies.

Lots of scrolls and writing equipment
Key to the treasure chamber

Mathmology 4
Run 1
Strength 4
Wrestling 1

33: Goblin Shaman
Goblins have no gods. No one has come forward to claim responsibility for them, or to protect them in troublesome times (which is almost all the time). The goblin shaman channels something else, something that whoops, hollers and ejaculates protoplasm all over the shop. The totality of ur-goblinity perhaps, shat through time and place.

A wicked knife
Bone-filled spirit rattle
Rat-skin cloak
Jars of unguent and salves

Awareness 1
Heal 1
Run 1
Second Sight 1
Spell: Assume Shape 1
Spell: Befuddle 2
Spell: Jolt 2
Spell: [Random] 1
Spell: Ward 2

34: Mnemo-Spectre
Being an evil overlord is dangerous. Even when the Forces of Good aren't coming at you, there's the ambitious lieutenant, the fickle demon lord, and the opportunistic malcontents who call themselves adventurers.
A Mnemo-Spectre is what is left of the most stubborn overlords, after the world has stabbed them in the back. A billowing shroud of shadow, blood and tenacity. The Mnemo-Spectre potentially has great power, but its grasp of time and place is confusing and tenuous. The Mnemo-Spectre will at times not be able to remember names or allegiances, but will remain razor sharp when it comes to ambition and the nature of slights. It is paranoid, frustrated, gloating, and occasionally magnanimous. One thing is certain: it WILL return to power.

None, but due to its otherwordly nature it always counts as being modestly armored, and its touch as a Large Beast attack.

Second Sight 4
Spell: Cockroach 3
Spell: Leech 2
Spell: Fire Bolt 2
Spell: [Random] 1
Spell: [Random] 1

NOTE: You cannot kill a spectre with physical attacks. Sure you can tear it asunder or blow it up, but it just reforms D66 days later, even less tethered to reality. A strong banishment might do the job, but even then they might strike a deal with some arch-fiend or dark god.

35: Low Elf
Elves are made from dreams, a gossamer material of beautiful color and potential. Most elves stay aloof and apart from the baser species, lest they become dulled and sullied by reality. Low elves are the few who take a different path, wallowing in booze, shit, violence and associating with the Forces of Evil. In this way they press their reality upon the world. Low elves smell, stomp and burp, but beneath the grime one can see the vestiges of unreal beauty. They’re still supercilious gits.

Cruel shadow sword
Bone bow and 20 insectile arrows
Filthy silk robes
Silver centipede torc

Acrobatics 1
Awareness 1
Bow Fighting 3
Fist Fighting 1
Sneak 1
Sword Fighting 2
Run 1
Spell: Read Entrails 1

36: Gark
The Forces of Evil love their breeding programs and their ill-advised hybridizations. Hence the gark.
A gark is an incongruous mix of two worlds. It has the strength, size, and hunger of an ogre and the intellect and hankering for trouble of a goblin, yet does not fit in with either group. The ogres are just too dumb, and goblins do not properly appreciate a good bout of ultra-violence among cousins.

Dane axe
Scrap armor (modestly armored)
Musky body oil
Hand mirror

Awareness 1
Axe Fighting 2
Fist Fighting 2
Run 1
Sneak 1
Strength 2
Wrestling 2

41: Cancerman Undoctor
Some people manage to negotiate with their disease. The result is a cancerman, a creature made from lumps, boils, tumors and vestigial tails. It can’t really die, but can you really call it alive. Worst among these are the undoctors, missionaries of pestilence and canker. They can heal you, but your flesh grows back as unsightly growths and your blood becomes a grey green pus. An undoctor is gentle, softly spoken, and as he sits by your bedside his sores will not cease oozing.

Stained grey robes
Doctor’s bag (full of filthy tools)
Gauze mask
A collection of small bones

Healing 4
Sneak 1
Spell: Brittle Twigs 2
Spell: Drown 2
Spell: Leech 2

42: Pain Merchant
A strange creature from an underworld called the War Sphere. The pain merchant is a vaguely humanoid figure made from blades. Its eyes are blue as a gas-flame and seem distant. The pain merchant is a source of cruel and twisted weapons, still warm from the War Sphere’s suffer-forges.
A pein merchant has trouble understanding things that aren’t war or the preparation for war. To a pain merchant a lute will seem like a very poor weapon, and a painting of a landscape nigh-useless intel.

All the weapons (it does not literally pull them out of its backside, but it might as well. It is never unarmed).
Its knife-skin counts as modest armor.

All Fighting Skills 2
Run 1
Strength 1

43: Crowblin Assassin
The crowblins are generally regarded as a mistake, or some sort of infernal joke. The crowblin assassin casts some doubt on who exactly the punchline is. This crowblin has single-mindedly focused on becoming silent and deadly, striking from surprising angles and escaping through what you might generously call winged flight. Yet there is no one left alive to express any sort of mirth.

Curved knife
Two vials of poison

Acrobatics 2
Garrote Fighting 2
Fly 1
Knife Fighting 2
Sneak 4

44: Acolyte
Some people just need a place to belong, and when you’re a no-account serf or cottar, being an evil overlord’s crony (even if is an abused and disrespected crony) can seem like a step up. It usually doesn’t entail backbreaking work in some wet barley field. Even if the acolyte tires of being ill-used, and the constant threat of becoming ogre-stew, there usually isn’t a place to go back to. Once you throw in your lot with evil, it’s hard to go back to sharecropping.

Dark robe
A dagger
A fake hog-nose and tusks (to look like a hogoblin in a pinch)
Broad-brimmed hatchet-faced
A memento of those you left behind

A Crafting skill of your choice 1
Awareness 1
Disguise 1
Etiquette 1
Farming 1
Fist Fighting 1
Run 1
Sneak 2
Spell: Quench 1
Tracking 1

45: Cannibal
Some people gravitate towards the Forces of Evil due to their permissiveness. The cannibal is a person like your or I, who just happens to enjoy human flesh. Perhaps they are a throwback to a time when this was a culturally acceptable part of religion or war. Maybe it is just the choice of a fearless gourmet. In an evil horde, the cannibal will be shielded from judgment, while being able to partake of the ‘other white meat’.

1D6 “bear”-traps
Six knives
Slightly stained gentleman’s finery
Jewelry worth 2D6 silver from previous meals
Filed teeth

Cooking 2
Etiquette 2
Knife Fighting 2
Run 1
Wrestling 1
Trapping 2

46: Hunchbacked Gatekeeper
It is a sad truth that a hunchbacked gatekeeper has become an accessory to many overlords. These people are often bought from callous parents and raised as guards and keymasters surrounded by goblins, skeletons and imps. The adult hunchback is a tough customer, accorded respect, even from hogoblins and ogres.

A ring of keys to pretty much everything
Spiked club
Lockpicking tools
Leather jerkin (light armor)

Awareness 2
Club Fighting 2
Fist Fighting 2
Locks 4
Strength 1
Tunnel Fighting 1

51: Grey Dwarf
The grey dwarves usually work in the deepest strata of the earth. Work defines their world, and things not useful to their work is at best irrelevant. Hence it is unusual to see a grey dwarf in an evil horde, even one operating out of a dungeon. It must have determined that this servitude to some light-dweller (even a dark overlord is a light-dweller to grey dwarves) furthers the work in some way. A grey dwarf is decidedly dour, and seems to feel that everyone else are workshy weaklings.

Sharpened shovel (treat as axe)
1D6 rations (which look like fossilized plankton and isn’t edible to non-grey dwarves)
The sturdiest boots imaginable

Axe Fighting 3
Engineering 4
Evaluate 1
Tunnel-Fighting 3

*The petrifier is a grey dwarf invention which makes things stay in place, by petrifying it. It can be used as a weapon but only fired every other turn. A hit starts the petrification process, costing the victim two SKILL points.
The petrifier looks like a cast iron vacuum cleaner worn backpack-style.

52: Skelly Fusilier
Most reanimated skeletons literally don’t have the brains they were born with. A few retain intelligence after being reanimated, or perhaps a runaway soul uses the bones as a hiding place. These skeletons are often put to use as marksmen, as their eyeless sockets do not water from wind and smoke, and their hands do not tremble with fear or agitation. Intelligent skeletons (or ‘skellies’ as the goblins call them) are often quite gregarious, and as their fleshless kin do not speak much, try to fit in among the living.

Twelve apostles (bandolier with powder and shot)
A hat
(While skellies do not wear armor, they only take 2 STAMINA damage from any attack that is meant to pierce, puncture or slash. They can’t be suffocated or poisoned).

One crafting skill (retained from life) 1
Awareness 1
Fist Fighting 1
Fusil Fighting 3
Gambling 2
Run 1

53: Left-Hand Apprentice
An overlord is likely to attract followers wanting to learn the dark arts from a true master. Even if the overlord isn’t a warlock, they usually hang around, playing dice and lording it over the goblins. There are usually some mysteries for them to plumb in the overlord’s expansive lair. If they’re lucky they’ll survive it.

Robes smelling faintly of grave-mold
Arcane tattoos
Rod of Eldritch Might (treat as club)
2D6 silver
Playing cards

Evaluate 1
Gambling 1
Healing 1
Locks 1
Second Sight 1
Sneak 1
Spell: Open 1
Spell: Posthumous Vitality 1
Spell: Skeletal Counsel 1
Spell: Torpor 1

54: A ”plain-dealing villain”
It happens more often than you might think. A child of a noble lineage despairs at ever inheriting power. Maybe a parent or an older sibling is the main obstacle, maybe it is something more nebulous, like a heavenly mandate. However the case may be, she sees an alliance with evil as an expedient way to get what she feel she is owed. The outcome is rarely what she hoped for.

Fine clothing as befits her status
Slim silver sword
Beautiful bow
Heirloom worth 4D6 silver

Bow fighting 2
Dancing 2
Etiquette 3
Evaluate 1
Ride 2
Sword Fighting 2

55: Winged Monkey
The winged monkey used to be carefree and mischievous, but in no way evil. Their downfall allegedly came about through playing a prank on a sorceress’ fiancee. This occasioned the creation of a golden cap imbued with the magic power to control the monkeys. This magic was copied by every tinpot overlord worth his throne. Now, tragically, a free winged monkey is as rare as hen’s teeth.
There is a rumor among the monkeys that the caps’ magic is fading, or even that some overlord have no cap. The creatures have internalised subservience to such a degree that none of them have tested this. Yet.
A winged monkey looks like a Japanese snow monkey, if somewhat larger and black. They have large bat-like wings, and usually carry tridents in their tail.

Bow and ten arrows
A hat
Pilfered jewelry worth 2D6 silver

Acrobatics 1
Bow Fighting 2
Trident Fighting 1
Fly 3
Wrestling 2

56: Demon Tailor
An overlord must look their horrid best. As such they import the best tailors from the underworld. A demon tailor is a pale personage with needle fingers and the barest hint of horns on their forehead.
A demon tailor works with an ever-expanding range of materials. Iron headdresses, skirts of living skin, dog heads stuffed with silver maggots and nail collars are all possibilities for those daring fashion-makers. A demon tailor’s greatest annoyance is a conservative or timid dark lord.

A carpet bag full of thread and fabric
A jar of silver maggots
Theatre jewelry

Evaluate 3
Healing 1
Needle Fighting 3
Sewing 4 (Given time a demon tailor can sew any two things together).
Spell: Affix 1

61: Death Knight
When a champion of Good is dying on the field of battle, infernal forces will sometimes offer them a bargain: join us, and you do not have to pass on. Fear humbles most, and many have taken the offer. The result is a death knight, a great warrior haunting their own dead body, encased in brutal black armor.
The death knight is not truly alive, but has not passed on. That is the way Evil keeps its promises. Most death knights feel cheated and bitter, but dread removing the armor which keeps them alive for fear of their fate after death. They usually take out their rage on the armies of Good. Where was the help when they needed it?

Black armor (heavily armored)
Massive maul
Grisly trophies (a necklace of ears or the like)

Fist Fighting 2
Knife Fighting 1
Maul Fighting 4
Strength 2
Ride 1

62: Gremlin
A gremlin is a goblin that has been infused with the essence of a minor demon of ruin. The gremlin still acts much like its goblin cousins, but has a distinct knack for sabotage, and for destroying anything which could be generously be described as a ‘machine’. Goblins tend to avoid a gremlin, as they consider it (somewhat justifiedly) a jinx.

A weapon of your choice
Iron shoes
Lockpick set
Pouch full of pebbles

Awareness 1
Gremlinology 4 (used for destroying contraptions with moving parts, from carts to clockworks).
Locks 3
Run 2
Sleight of Hand 1
Sneak 1

63: Hydra-Wrangler
Overlords tend to have a massive nigh-unkillable monster somewhere in their base of operation. It does not have to be a hydra, but we will use it as a shorthand. The hydra-wrangler is usually a skinny little person who looks like the hydra has drained their energy directly. They are respected by all, from death knights to latrine goblins, since they are the single person (save, perhaps, the overlord) who can exercise any kind of control over the hydra.

Chain mail apron (modest armor)
Backpack full of hydra-treats
Tin whistle
Hook for a hand
Steel-toed boots

Hydra Wrangling 3
Music 1
Run 1
Sneak 1
Spear Fighting 2
Spell: Amity 1
Spell: Ironhand 1

64: Goblin Manservant
This goblin has been promoted to wait on the dark lord personally. This mean wearing nice clothes, but also getting a kick up the backside if the lord is ‘in a mood’. Still the goblin manservant is all kinds of snooty, and might be suspected of being a snitch. He isn’t though.

A uniform with gold tresses and all that
short sword
1D6 rations’ worth of stolen food

Awareness 1
Climb 1
Etiquette 1
Gambling 2
Run 2
Sleight of Hand 2
Sneak 2
Sword Fighting 1

65: Demolition Demoniac
Black powder is a recent invention, and evil has taken to it like a duck to water. To properly utilize this destructive miracle an overlord hire itinerant alchemists called demolition demoniacs, since their stink of sulphur and love of destruction rivals any pit-fiend.
A demolition demoniac sees an explosion as a re-shuffling of reality, a creation of new patterns through destruction. Of course the demoniac knows that the overlord pays her to destroy his enemies, but that is a question of politics, not essence. There is no bad explosion.

2D6 Explosive charges
Pistolet (with eight reloads)
Alchemy set, strapped precariously to the backbone
Prosthetic arm
1D6 silver worth of gold nuggets. Can the demoniac really make gold?

Astrology 1
Demolitions 3
Mathmology 2
Pistolet Fighting 1
Second Sight 1

66: Hogoblin Commander
This is the peak of hogoblindom (according to them). The rage is tempered by experience, and the cruelty is handed out with intent and purpose. They’re still hog-headed warriors motivated by slaughter, but time has put some flab on them. They don’t have to run at the enemy.

Ostentatious helmet
Chain mail
Double nose ring

Blade Fighting 2
Fist Fighting 2
Axe Fighting 3
Ride 1
Strength 1
Wrestling 1


  1. Awesome material! I was planning on running Monsters!Monsters! But will use your hack. Great work!

  2. This is fantastic! Great job!


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