Day 28: Ogham (for Sufficiently Advanced)

Ogham are the masterminds behind The Detectives. They have studied the murder mystery genre, along with every cop show, morality tale and redemption story known to humanity. They invented The Detective, and people are lining up to get a persona into an iteration of it. But someone once said that every wave is new until it breaks. How long can Ogham stay relevant with this one? 

Ogham are not a single person, but a thirteen-person group-mind of dataforms (scanned human beings run in computer simulation). Centuries ago each mind was a human being who was scanned, and then gravitated towards each other, due to a shared interest in narrative and entertainment, justice and murder. They exist in a virtual world full of crime scenes, relationship maps, and set pieces.
In theory each constituent individual remains a fully realized self, but in their virtual nerd cave, the observer might wonder if they weren’t simply parts of one personality playing superficial roles (the Leader, the Continuity Historian, the Contrarian, the Armchair Psychologist etc). If an individual mind extracted itself, the remaining twelve would go through a personality crisis, and likely come out significantly changed

Ogham interacts with the physical world through remote units, short-lived bio-constructs. These units often serve as supporting cast (witnesses, red herrings, socos, suspects etc) for the Detectives to interact with. While Ogham insist on the spontaneity of the ‘flash mob murder mystery, they frequently use remote unit characters to shape the narrative. 

Concept: Creator of Situations

Civilization: The Tivoli Aggregate

Society: Fictionaires

Neuroform: Dynamic, Dataform, Multiple, Autonomous, Sovereign


Authenticity 2

Narrative 4

Continuity 3

Novelty 4

Me Me Me (Self-Preservation) 4


Comprehension (narrative permutations)

Magnetism (audiences)


(Biotech: 1)  Cognitech: 4  Metatech: 4   (Nanotech: 3)  (Stringtech: 1)


Satori: Artist (writing, directing)

Locality (the Tivoli Aggregate)





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