Day 26: Grondep Ascheer-Longue, for Sufficiently Advanced

Grondep is a young criminal from the League of Independent Worlds. The League began as a loose conglomeration of colonies from Old Earth, and has ended up as a very tightly knit civilization. It only recently made contact with other civilizations, but has done reasonably well on its own. The population is generally urbanized, and various shades of strong-government liberalism pervades throughout. Religion exists, but is relegated to the status of hobby.


Grondep grew up in a middle class family. Her mothers worked in banking, and she grew up with a healthy understanding of economics. Her can-do attitude and communication skills, she was a great asset for organized crime.

Advanced biotechnology is a recent import to the League, and while it is not illegal, treatments that grant functional immortality are heavily regulated and expensive. The thinking is that widespread immortality will lead to overpopulation and a workforce without any upward mobility.

All of this is a bit above Grondep’s paygrade. She is a junior member of Elysium Enterprises, a criminal organization offering quick, easy and illegal “immortality treatments”. Grondep’s role is (or was) marketing. Using various dog-whistles and backchannels, she made sure that paying clients and suppliers were brought together as capitalism intended. Except she got caught in a sting in virtual space.

Grondep was a good soldier and did not snitch. A gruelling program of rehabilitation loomed on the horizon, when a miracle happened. A tired corrections sub-administrator and a peppy functionary from the Department of Cultural Outreach got together, and Grondep was offered a part in The Detective.

Grondep is energetic, quick-witted and has taken to her role as a “pig” with gusto. Her portrayal of a detective is generally based on fiction, since she’s only really met bureaucrats and social workers. Grondep recognizes that she’s a counterpoint to the hilariously exasperated Owain, and plays into that.

Concept: Procurer of Illicit Tech
Civilization: The League of Independent Worlds
Society: Organized Crime
Neuroform: Static, Physical, Single, Autonomous, Sovereign


Teamwork makes the dream work 3

Self-Preservation 4

Information management 3

Individualism 1

Sentimentality 1


Empathy (understands your pain)

Intrigue (on the fly)


Biotech:1 Cognitech: 2 Metatech: 2 Nanotech 1 Stringtech: 2

Expertise, Amateur

Criminal 1
Financial 1
Locality (Independents) 2
Media 2



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