Day 24: Oceane Carbon, Intrepid Reporter (for Troubleshooters)

 NAME: Oceane Carbon

Archetype: Inquisitive Journalist

Profession: Reporter

Nationality: Canadian (Quebec)

From a young age Oceane was being lied to. A cynic might say as much as the next child, but perhaps it hit her differently. Father Christmas stopped coming after her dad died, and she put two and two together. The church she was forced to go to on Sundays. Seemed to be an advanced version of the same. Something you wanted to believe, paired up with something you were afraid not to believe. 

Oceane began searching for the truth in everything. It was difficult, since it wasn’t as black and white as she’d believed as a kid. She told a boy she loved him when she was 15. When she turned 16 she realized it was no longer true. There were half-truths, conditional truths and consolatory fables, and organizations were in the business of keeping it all going like a rustbucket car. 

Her mother often despaired of her questions and arguments, and said that she’d sacrifice the money to send Oceane to university just so that she could get some peace. That was mostly a joke. 

Oceane studied journalism and delved deep into nazi propaganda. People wanted to forget, but the principles behind it could be found outside of Fascist states. Denying it would just be another comforting lie. 

She was hired by the local rag (L'étoile du jour) and it was on her very second assignment that she encountered the BRC. She’d been sent to do a piece about a man who’d fallen into a lobster pot and died. The editor probably wanted to scare the new kid. Oceane had just broken up with her boyfriend (a philosophy student and smug structuralist) and was too grumpy to care. She did notice the man in the salmon cowl among the gawkers, and when she followed him, it led to a wild chase that rudely interrupted Hermann’s poutine. 

Vitality: 5


Agility 15%

Alertness 65%

Charm 45%

Contacts 75%

Credit 15%

Electronics 15%

Endurance 15%

Engineering 15%

Entertainment 15%

Humanities 15%

Investigation 65%

Languages 45%

Machinery 15%

Medicine 15%

Melee 45%

Prestidigitation 45%

Ranged Combat 15%

Red Tape 15%

Science 15%

Search 65%

Security 15%

Sneak 15%

Status 45%

Strength 15%

Subterfuge 65%

Survival 15%

Vehicles 45%

Willpower 15%



You have an eye for minute details and the ability to instinctively discern their meaning.

Story Points: Spend 1 Story Point to flip a task check for Search or Investigation.

Spend 2 Story Points to make a failed task check for Search or Investigation into a success instead.

Press Pass

You are officially recognised as a journalist for some news source. It does not give you any rights as such, but it opens some doors (and closes others). It also gives you access to a lot of news stories across the world. 

Can I quote you?: When your press credential would be advantageous, you get a +2 pip modifier to gain access to someone. 

Get that out of my face: Similarly, if someone is not on friendly terms with the press, get a −2 pips modifier when you try to gain access to that person. 

Story Points: Spend 2 Story Points to gain access to a press conference (establish that there is one) with an important and relevant Director character, such as a police chief, mayor, corporate official, government official or something similar. If you attend, the conference is a scene in which you can get clues that the Director character would know about.



Your reputation precedes you, and not in a good way. You’re the person that everyone talks about, and it will get you into trouble.

Story Points: Gain 3 Story Points to take −2 pips on task checks for Charm, Contacts, or Status in a scene.

Gain 6 Story Points to get thrown out of a scene because they don’t want your kind around.

Gear: Camera, tape recorder, running sho


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