Day 23: Hermann Philemon Liebeskraft, (for Troubleshooters)
First character for Troubleshooters.
Hermann Philemon Liebeskraft
Archetype: Lovecraftian Protagonist
Job: Food critic
Nationality: Swiss
Hermann delved deep into the darkest recesses of cuisine, reading the horrid “Hundertmal Mensch” (a cookbook of ‘long pig’) and even the long-banned “Flavours of Cockaigne”, of which we shall say no more.
Hermann attended Le Cordon Bleu in Paris for almost 24 hours, and was unceremoniously booted after he likened a crème brûlée to “an ancestral nightmare of antediluvian invertebrates” and fainted at the sight of a quail.
He did manage to land a job at “Le Pendu”, an esoteric magazine of transgressive poetry and satire, spreading his wings as a food critic. A mysterious Egyptian benefactor enabled Hermann to travel the world, loathing the cuisine abroad as well as at home.
It was in a restaurant in Montreal that he met Oceane Carbon, his adventuring companion and unlikely friend. Hermann was glowering at a generous plate of poutine when all hell broke loose. Oceane barged in, with several men in salmon robes hot on her heels. Oceane’s snooping had led her to an encounter with the Brotherhood of Crustacean Resurgence (BCR). These reprobates seemed to adore certain kinds of sea life, and combined it with good old racism. They were quite unwilling to be unmasked by some meddling girl. Hermann surprised himself by throwing his poutine at a cultist goon, just as he was drawing a bead on Oceane.
From here on, Herman became inextricably involved in Oceane’s life of globetrotting adventure. The BCR has branches among Belgian fishermen and British Naval families, and they’re quite relentless.
Vitality: 5
Agility 15%
Alertness 75%
Charm 15%
Contacts 45%
Credit 15%
Electronics 15%
Endurance 15%
Engineering 15%
Entertainment 15%
Humanities 65%
Investigation 65%
Languages 65%
Machinery 15%
Medicine 15%
Melee 15%
Prestidigitation 15%
Ranged Combat 15%
Red Tape 45%
Science 45%
Search 15%
Security 15%
Sneak 45%
Status 15%
Strength 15%
Subterfuge 45%
Survival 15%
Vehicles 45%
Willpower 15%
Curiosity killed the cat: Your curiosity can get you into trouble. Change a successful Sneak, Security or Investigation task check to a failure to get the unwanted attention of the security detail. Doing so puts you in a world of trouble and gets you 3 Story Points.
Story Points: Spend 1 Story Point to flip an Alertness, Investigation or Search task check.
Spend 2 Story Points to reroll an Alertness, Investigation or Search task check and keep the new roll
You have the rare ability to cut out all distractions and remain focused on the task ahead.
Story Points: Spend 1 Story Point to reroll a failed task check, but for Willpower at +2 pips instead. If successful, you succeed in your task by sheer focus and tenacity.
Spend 2 Story Points to get someone else to focus and reroll a failed task check but for Willpower at +2 pips instead. If successful, they manage to pull through
COMBAT PARALYSIS It’s not necessarily that you’re a coward. It could be that harming another human being or using violence goes against your core principles. Whatever it is, sometimes it stops you from taking action when blows are being dealt. Story Points: Gain 3 Story Point for forfeiting at least one round in a combat scene. During the forfeited round, you cannot take a Move or Main action. Gain 6 Story Points for forfeiting all rounds in a combat scene. You cannot take a Move or Main action during the entire scene.
Notable Gear
Dinner Jacket, Tape Recorder, Overnight Bag.
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