Day 15; Charlie and Cody, Partners in Crime (for By Dawn They All Were Dead)

Another duo for By Dawn They All Were Dead. A youngblood and an old-timer out to get a delivery of oxy in rural Maine.

Charlie Metcalfe

Physical 0
Intellectual 0
Social +1

“I don't need no makeup, I got real scars”

When you get a +1 from a 6, you get to keep it for the rest of the game. You only have two failures in you though.
Charlie’s Blues: Getting old isn’t all it’s chalked up to be. You thought you’d grow old with your wife Jo. Go dancing on Saturday night at the rec center with the other old duffers. Go fishing whenever you’d feel like it. Real golden years shit.

Of course none of that’s happened. Jo found a lump in her breast one fine morning, and you spent a year seeing her being sick on chemo as the medical bills piled up. The cancer had dug in too deep, and despite the jovially condescending doctors probably doing their best, Jo died. The only person you’ve ever truly loved. The brains behind Pa, like the song says.

The hole in your life came with a side of debt. There’ll be no retiring.

You know how to mask it, but you’re fucking bitter. Ready to do things you wouldn’t have thought of before all of this. Before you got old.

Cody Bannerman

Physical +1
Intellectual 0
Social 0

“I'm just another sad guest on this dark earth”
Once per game you may claim a +1 to a Social roll for every failure you have. 

The Life and Times of Cody: Yeah, you did time. “Drug-related offenses”, let’s just leave it at that. It’s sort of an out-of-body experience, being in prison. If you’re all the way present it destroys you, one way or another. For instance you got to be on guard all the time. That’s not possible, so you kinda dissociate
from the constant threat.

You weren’t alone at least. Your best friend Fulgencio did the same stretch as you, except his
was cut short by getting stabbed to death in the kitchen. You got there too late, but you did get
there in time to see them haul him out. Just in time to see his blood mixed in with the powdered
It was over some bullshit too. Somebody felt they’d been insufficiently respected. A skinny guy with these tattoos of faces all over. Sometimes you see him out of the corner of your eye. Think you see him.

Important distinction.


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