Day 11: Adulo Landsman, Martial Artist with a heavy legacy (Terror Target Gemini)

Eight generations ago the Landsman family was incredibly wealthy, owning trading vessels and warehouses and even a gold mine. Then disaster struck. Disaster took the form of the dragon Arxaxasz Septimus, scourge of the desert, the peacock king, green-fire-rains-down, and other epithets beside. It descended upon the gold mine, made light work of workers, foremen, and Landsman matriarch Prismilla.

The remaining Landsmans swore long and heavy oaths of revenge, ones that reverberate even today. Then came the deroute as successive generations squandered the remaining fortune on increasingly convoluted schemes of retribution. To wit, Adulo's grandmother attempted to poison the land around the dragon’s lair, and his father believed that an air-duel with the vexatious reptile was the ticket to success. The last of the Landsman fortune was spent on a bespoke fighter plane that barely got off the ground. It did however hit a fueling station, and Papa Landsman died in a spectacular explosion.

As Adulo’s mother had long since departed for saner pastures, he was alone in the world, a young ape with an oath of vengeance barely a wen to his name.

Adulo is a conflicted person. The oath still interrupts his sleep now and then, and he awakes discombobulated and with a feeling of guilt. He reassures himself that becoming a Runner, the grueling years spent learning martials arts, and working with Abelhanz Gray and his reprobates are all means to an end. He seems driven and jittery, interspersed with bouts of brooding. 

Adulo is going to become a living weapon, a champion and a dragon slayer. What others see as a certain covetousness and cowardice is just making sure that he lives to see the day when he vanquishes Arxaxasz Septimus, and that he has the funds to carry out the deed,

Now and then he’s disgusted with the whole doomed shitshow and blows his wages on partying. The hangovers always come with a hefty side of guilt. 

Name: Adulo Landsman
Bloodline: Qaradin
Class: Jack Of All (Martial Artist)

Power: 1
Coordination: 3
Intellect: 0
Charisma: 0

Training: 1
Handcraft: 1
Arcane: 1
Communication: 0

HEALTH (2d8h): 6

Luck: Once per session you may reroll a check before the GM tells you the outcome. The second roll is final.
Martial Arts: When unarmed you have two attacks (1d4 damage) each turn. You have no Snag to your first counterattack each turn.
Parkour: You’ve got an Edge when chasing and fleeing on foot, and when doing acrobatics. 
Secret Move (Costs 1 Ki): Ranged unarmed attack (1d8 damage)

Ki: 1+1d4

Money: 3 wen

GEAR: Hand wraps, hidden knife (damage 1d6), a vaguely dragon-shaped birthmark. 


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