Day 28 Arviaa and Thurga (for Mazes)

 Two Mazes characters! A bravo and a bugbear. 

To: Senior Librarian Jakobus Tavs, Reader for the Council of Librarians

From: Field Loremistress Yllian Senestra

Re: Arviaa Fernadorn

20th Westaway, 91 PC

With the last members of our expedition safely arrived, we are all but ready to set forth. The inclinometers are difficult to store safely, and we are still working on a satisfactory solution. 

Arviaa Fernadorm and her companion arrived today. The young Ms. Fernadorm has certainly grown since last I saw her at the Council autumn fete. She has, she informs me at every opportunity, taken an interest in swordplay. This is clearly no passing fancy, as Mr. Wollf has sparred with her twice, declaring her style “impressive”. 

The somewhat shy young woman I knew seems to have gone through quite a transformation, and Ms. Fernadorm is, in fact, the very embodiment of the city ‘bravo’ who enters into brawls or even duels at the drop of a wine-cup. I have privately let her know that this chanticleer behavior won’t do on our expedition, where we will be as much in danger from our lack of manners as from brigands and demons. 

She chided me for an old maid, but I think I see the pensive girl behind the bravado. In contrast, I am thankful for her companion’s stoically kind nature. 

This companion is an interesting subject in her own right. From what I can infer she was not sent along by the council, whether as a chaperone or personal guard. 

Thurga is the name of her companion, and she stands over a head taller than any man in our camp. She is of the species which unkind sages and folktales have dubbed “bugbears”. Thurga informs me that they call themselves “Zmugos”, which simply translates to “the people”. She was, if I understand her correctly, a noble’s daughter. She left her people when her life choices seemed to be limited to field marshall or wife. I sense in her a curiosity about humanity and the world. I also sense a great fondness for Ms. Fernadorm. I only hope the young lady is properly aware of it.

This will be my last missive from base camp. Keep us in your prayers. 

Yllian Senestra

Personal note to Jacobus Tavs:

Jaco, you cad! You could have warned me that it’s the granddaughter and not the grandson! I guess that serves me right for assuming. 

I feel good about this expedition. We will return with new knowledge. If nothing else, something for future expeditions to build on.



Name: Arviaa “the Blade” Fernadorn

Role:  The Fighter               

Die:  D8  Hearts:  8   Stars: 2

Class: The Dangerous Bravo    

Aspect:  Sword  

Drive: To defeat all 5 Sword Saints in duels


1: Precise

Gain advantage when fighting in melee, you are precise and  in control. Spending a Star on Precise would result in you having a very controlled and deadly strike

2: Agile

Control of the body, flexibility, and balance.

3:  Hale

Healthy, hearty, resistant to poisons and disease. Slow to tire. Take Advantage on all Healing saves.

Wealth: 2


Stressed [ ] - Disadvantage on BOOKS. No KEY Bonus.

Tired [ ] - Disadvantage on BOOTS and BONES. 

Hurt [ ] - Disadvantage on BLADES. 

Marked [ ] - Disadvantage on DEATH’S DOOR rolls. 

Kit: Cotton tunic, chainmail vest, silk scarves, sturdy broadsword, hand crossbow, battered backpack and bedroll. 

Name: Thurga 

Role: The Sentinel                 

Die: D10 Hearts: 10  tars: 1

Class: The Outcast Bugbear                       

Aspect: Sword

Drive: To hold on to found family in a dangerous world.


1: Bugbear Lineage

Bugbears are hulking, bearlike humanoids with powerful arms and bristly fur over  leather strong hide. Bugbears have coal black eyes that can see in the dark. They have small nostrils but no real nose yet have a sensitive sense of smell. Their broad faces are set off with large, furry, pointed ears.

2: Deadly

Deadly – You are Advantaged when it comes to rolling DAMAGE. Rage and claws will do that.

3: Tough

Tough – Physically capable of taking a hit. Holds up against the elements. Take advantage on DEATH’S DOOR and HEALING saves.

Wealth: 2


Stressed [ ] - Disadvantage on BOOKS. No KEY Bonus.

Tired [ ] - Disadvantage on BOOTS and BONES. 

Hurt [ ] - Disadvantage on BLADES. 

Marked [ ] - Disadvantage on DEATH’S DOOR rolls. 

Kit: Reptile leather tunic, a spiked club. 


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