Day 22: Harmony


Aah! I'm running slightly behind, and I didn't make another lifepath character. Here is a tough out of work utility worker for Hard City instead. It's a noir game, and the standard setting is the US in 1946. I've decided to make a character for the 90s instead.

You like a challenge. Maybe a bit too much, but it never seems that way at the time. It just feels good to put everything on the line and pull it off. You’ve fixed power lines in the aftermath of a hurricane, strung new phase wires to a pole top transformer as a rainstorm broke out, welded in a crawlspace while trading insults with the volatile and armed homeowner. It’s a cliché, but it makes you feel alive.

That last one got you fired though. Turns out this guy with his gun and six teeth to his name could turn on a dime and be an absolute Karen on the phone to the boss. Turned out they knew each other from high school. Fuck ‘em.

Link to character sheet:


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