Day 17: Crunch

 A cursed gangster and the last day of Sigil & Shadow.
This character has a power that's really more of a curse, but one that could be quite useful.

(The Labaki and the Gaffigans are two major crime outfits in the campaign city that bears some resemblance to Baltimore).

Elijah “Crunch” Stevens

Crunch is a low-level Labaki soldier with ambition. So far he has risen from being a kid slinging to overseeing a couple of kids slinging. Middle management, in a sense. He gets his nickname from the fact that he always seems to be working.
His mother always told him that working hard and wearing nice clothes could get him far. Crunch works like a horse and favors Tommy Hilfiger. He looks more like a college student than (people’s idea of) a gangster. Mrs. Stevens might not approve of her son’s line of work, but she does not object to him paying her rent.

One thing has really ruined things for Crunch: a curse. One day Crunch and his boys beat up a fiend who had tried to make off with their stash. Unfortunately they went at him a little too hard, and with his last dying breath the man cursed Crunch: “May you always speak the future until you make amends”.

The next morning Crunch discovered that he could only speak in the stilted phrases of a magic 8-ball. 

Since then Crunch has neglected his duties, and has spent his money and time on finding a cure for this curse. So far, no luck. His girlfriend has dumped him, and he is not on the best terms with his 

What no one else has discovered is that if Crunch is asked a question about the future, the answer is broadly true. It may still be quite useless though. If Crunch could find a way to control this power he’d be golden. Or hunted like an animal. The tongue of a true oracle (even an unconventional one) is worth stupid money on the occult black market.

Rank: 1
Casting: Afflicted (Shadowed)
Drive: Scorn
Afflicted suffer from a paranormal bane that unconsciously alarms, disgusts, or provokes
resentment from everyday people (as well as some animals, like pets and livestock). While
hindering, something about this effect also fuels the monstrous abilities of the character.
At any time, the Guide may give the Afflicted player a Bone and declare that they are
scorned for the remainder of the scene. Bystanders will resent, avoid, or even be hostile
to them for no real reason. Social interactions are Disadvantaged, and even attempts to do good deeds may be met with contempt from others. Illuminated characters (as well as other Shadowed) may sense the repulsion from this affliction, but do not succumb to its effect.

Background: Criminal
Oddity: -
Bones: 2
STR 55 DEX 55 LOG 50 WIL 50

Damage Bonus: -
Health Points: 28
Damage Resistance: 0

Combat:  Personal Firearms (Trained, lvl 1: +10%)
Investigation (Trained)
Larceny (Trained, lvl 1: +10%)

Special Features
As long as the character is spending time on the streets doing legwork, extended tasks to
gain information have Advantage.
Advantage on LOG checks made to quickly notice things in their surroundings.

When asked about a future event, your reply is basically prophetic and true. 
Burden: HINDERING TRAIT (Can only speak in magic 8-ball phrases). 

Character Details
Work ethic+
Losing it-

Starting Equipment (Lifestyle: Working Class 1)
Revolver (Kimber K6S TLE) (2D+3)
A very new and secure smartphone
Burners (3)
A folk remedy against curses (a new one every few weeks)


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