31 Days Character Creation Challenge Day 13: The Secret Glory
Day thirteen, and you get six characters! They're made with The Secret Glory, which is sort of a head-on collision between Mörk Borg and genteel Anglo/American horror.
Here's an 'adventuring party' of pompous twonks from Foxgourd University. They may owe more to Edward Gorey and Roald Dahl than M.R. James or H.P.L.
A note on the stats:
Geography refers to the
local environment: e.g.
spotting hidden things. Communication covers
deception, reassurance,
persuasion, et al. Academia regards recall
of facts and theory, use
of libraries, and so on. Technical means
mechanical expertise,
scientific specificity, &c.
Health: 4
Rochester is a friendly man, provided you don't ask him to do anything. He sees himself like a local god, fixing things in his own time. He will tell even professors off for their shoddy grammar and poor enunciation.
Polished pistol (d6)
Loyal but vicious terrier (Falstaff)
Biran Danderlund, Registrar’s Clerk
Geography 1 Communication 4
Academia -3 Technical 0
Geography 1 Communication 4
Academia -3 Technical 0
Health: 2
Spend more than a couple of minutes in Biran's company, an you'll be offered a cigarette, and regaled with the shortcomings of his breakfast. Eggs having too much yolk, porridge having the wrong consistency, or subpar beans. Maybe he does it to drown out the baleful drone of demoniac insects which always seems to follow him.
sharp-filed nails (d4),
constant hum of insects
sharp-filed nails (d4),
constant hum of insects
Enwira DeLunaa, Librarian (audiological department)
Geography 1 Communication -2
Academia 5 Technical -2
Health: 1
Enwira is one of six librarians in charge of the Quinsy & Grippe Library's collection of phonographic records and wax cylinders. She keeps a meticulous record of the visitors' bad habits, and is not above outing and shaming a nose-picker or pig-squinter in painstakingly hand-written flyers distributed in he dead of night all over the university.
gramophone needle (d4),
lacquer box
felt runner
Fyodor Svine, Proctor Brutalis
Geography -3 Communication 1
Academia 0 Technical 3
Health: 4
A Proctor Brutalis is an officer of the peace, with license to carry the most modern of firearms. Fyodor handles his Thompson gun with almost insulting carelessness. He spends most of his time honing his wit by telling practice jokes to anyone who will listen. He will then dissect the joke, assessing its strong and weak points. All out loud.
tommy-gun (d8),
phony gems,
hip flask
Philandra Wattel, Cold Water Assessor
Geography 3 Communication -2
Academia 1 Technical -1
Health: 4
Philandra's job is to assess the student body's health, primarily by ordering cold baths for random students to test "resiliency, blood flow and proper bearing in the face of discomfort".
It is axiomatic to Philandra that she has no enemies, and consequently treats everybody like they're an old chum. The rage lurks just underneath every jovial gesture.
letter opener (d6),
Sotheby’s brochure,
Geography -1 Communication -4
Academia 3 Technical 3
Health: 2
Screaton has just been appointed acting vice-head of the college, and he's letting everybody feel it. He particularly likes to hear about people's dreams, and then criticize their implausibility, frivolity and lack of imagination. It doesn't matter if it's life ambitions or the kind you have when you sleep.
If only the position could be made permanent...
confiscated rifle (d8),
legal pad,
hip flask
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