[Day 20] Skrill, the Dead Inheritors

Skrill, the Dead Inheritors

In the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead few wish to set foot. Those who do, possess the right combination of greed, folly and fatalism to ruin it for all of us. Some of these adventurous souls brought things back with them. Chests of silver, rare herbs, cursed fineries and their comrades in slapdash coffins. They also brought the Skrill.

Physicks and scholars claim that the Skrill used to be simple cockroaches. Small, hardy and omnivorous, they have taken a bite of the unspeakable, and now the manifold curses of the living dead roil and rumble within the swarms. They look much like a natural cockroach, except slightly larger, and sometimes faintly phosphorescent. They get their name from the sounds they make as they descend upon their prey.

What sort of power grows within any given swarm is easy enough to find out. One must simple let them bite!

(Roll 1d8)

1: Aow! It merely hurts.
2: Ectoplasmic strands: Their touch drains Strength, Presence and Agility by 1 for the duration of the fight.
3: Zombie rot: Anyone bitten tests Toughness DR8 or dies within two days before rising as a zombie.
4: Spectral hum: Their unwholesome buzzing demands a Presence DR12 test at the start of combat to avoid being frozen with fear for d4 rounds.
5: Reality-trough: No one can use Powers near this sucking hole in the world’s fabric.
6: Undying wrath: The swarm has assumed a bit of unfinished business. It will go out of its way to kill portly men with moustaches (or inset your own incomplete description).
7: Ethereal vermin: The swarnm may become near translucent and semi-materilal,  This makes them hard to hit in combat (DR14).
8: Polterkäfer: An uncoordinated and invisible force rages near the swarm. Once per turn an enemy must roll Defense (DR8) or be hit with whatever loose object is around (damage 1d4).

Bergen Chrypt has a minor infestation of these horrid insects. The local authories have hung a few people who seemed particularly “adventurous” andemerged from the Valley of the Unfortunate Undead bearing loot. Certain heretics believe that the Skrill will inherit the world after our doom has devoured us.

(The stats are for a swarm of these creatures. If a bigger swarm is wanted, double the stats).

Hp 12, Morale 6, no armor, Many small bites 1d4
Special: Se above


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