[Day 10] Beatricia, The Swine Witch

Beatricia, The Swine Witch

She shuns Galgenbeck itself, but Beatricia is known from Bergen Chrypt to Allians as a woman of great wealth and greater secrets. She shuns the filth of this world, as anyone with the riches to do so would. In her sedan chair incense is burned at all times in order to drown out the stench of man and beast. If she has to touch bare earth in order to get somewhere, someone will be made to pay for this affront.

Beatricia is a tall regal woman with a stark profile and a withering blue gaze. She always wears robes of red silk and black velvet. She is rich in the way one can only daydream about. She can be extravagant and generous one moment, only to be petty and skinflint the next, if it suits or amuses her.

On the first week of every month she pays the prize for her wealth.  As per her agreement with the demon Babionge, she transforms into a great grey boar with cracked tusks and burning red eyes, the very image of the demon itself.
The boar loves filth, blood and noise. It will gore a brewer to get at the ale, gore a mother to eat the baby, and gore a scholar because it enjoys the squeals of agony and outrage. If it could it would cover every beautiful thing with steaming runny shit. Alas, it only has a week and is only one hog.

Beatricia hates this state of affairs, but she loves her power, and besides Babionge is not likely to renegotiate.
If someone learns her secret she will pay to have them killed. The boar does not care a whit about secrecy though. This is why Beatricia keeps moving about with her retinue of servants, guards and an ever-changing cast of cronies.

What is it about Galgenbeck that she does not care for?

Hp 10, no armor, knife d4
Special: Beatricia knows the Scrolls Eyelid Blinds the Mind and Foul Psychopomp. She has people to fight on her behalf, of course.

The Boar
Hp 20, bristles and thick hide -d2, Gore d8
Special: The boar’s horrid squeals (DR14 Presence check to resist) do d3 damage to Presence. These are regained only after it has transformed back into Beatricia, or it has been killed. 
The Boar will return next month, even if it is killed. Some remedy to banish it properly may exist, if only one knew where to look. 


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