[Day 06] Votura, the Sea Star

Votura, the Sea Star

The people of Grift know starfish will, The strange five-limbed creatures are often caught in fishermen’s nets. They are quickly dumped back into the ocean, as they are believed to be spawn of Votura.
Votura dwells somewhere in the black murk of Grift’s main fishing harbor. Among seaweed and ships that sank centuries ago, when king Aegfrith proclaimed himself Emperor of All the Seas, Votura dreams. In shape it isa starfish twice again thesize of a man. It’s five arms are adorned with mouths of a strangely human cast. The drawn mouth of a Grift fishwife, next to the full lips of a Galgenbeck catamite, next to the filed teeth of a Wästland berserker. And so on. It glows a bioluminescent green when it senses prey in the water.

Votura has been there for as long as anyone can remember. Even in the stories of old, when the world had a measure of hope, Votura was hiding in the dark waters. To say that it is worshiped would be wrong. Rather it is placated with sacrifice.
Sometimes a fisherman growstoo old for his work, or just unpopular with his mates. He becomes Votura’s Part, and is pushed overboard for the Sea Star to feed on. This is part of the way things are, and as natural as the migration of bilefish. There are those who return though, and this is considered an ill omen. The uneaten have invariably found religion, clarity and power. On Grift they are publically shunned and secretly  revered for their wisdom.
The uneaten claim that Votura is as old as the world. It knows, they say, the mysteries of the heavens. It is a cousin to the night stars, and knows about their movements, and the strange gods that dwell within them. That it seesall of Grift’s past as though it was present seems like a trifle in comparison.

HP 20, rubbery flesh -d6, arms 1d8 
Special: Votura has three attacks every round. Theseare difficult to defend against (DR14) due to the bioluminescence and the choir of voices emanating from its many mouths. 

When Votura is encountered, roll once of the Unclean Scrolls and once on the Sacred Scrolls. These are powers it can use during the encounter. 
If it feels so inclined, Votura can impart knowledge of any one Scroll. Sometimes it will impart ones that are virtually unknown in the world above:

Grief for the Drowned Saviors: 
All nearby human enemies recall the fact that innumerable messengers of benevolent gods have died, unrecognized and unmourned, water filling their lungs. 
Roll 1d6 for each one: 1-2: The target will commit the most self-destructive act in her power. 3-4: The target becomes catatonic for 1 hr. 5: The target attacks the caster with a force stemming from the deepest revulsion. She is too upset to do anything but melee combat. 6: The target is unaffected, and most likely what one would term a 'lost soul'.

The Divination of Heart's Desire: 
You may learn a nearby sentient creature's fondest desire.


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