Day 01: Douglas “Dougie” Short
The first character of '23!¨ Douglas “Dougie” Short, Friendly neighborhood alcoholic Awareness 30 Focus: Perception Combat 30 Cunning 30 Knowledge 30 Move 05 Science 30 Social 30 Focus: Deceit Tech 50 Focus: Plumbing Willpower 05 Focus: Circle (the regulars at the Rattlesnake Bar & Grill, “friends”) Focus: Person (Jess, daughter, guilt) Tags: #Auspicious, #Headquarters (tumbledown cabin) BODY 14 INT 12 POW 10 CHA 16 Luck Points: 3 You’re a plumber by trade, but you’ve tried your hand at many things. Car mechanic, trailer park super, bartender, asbestos removal and warm body behind a gas station counter. You’ve got your hands screwed on right, and you learn fast. You’ve got an ex-wife and a kid that don’t want to know from you. The booze kinda ruined things. Lost you a few jobs too. It’s just that beer steadies your hands. Bourbon gives you conversational skills, and vodka says you can dance. You tried going to meetings, but it didn’t take. People there talk about getting...