31 Days Character Creation Challenge! Day 01: Into the Odd
So, this is the first day of the challenge! Around the campfire sits a disheveled group of people. It's a sorry specimen, that fire. They ran out of wood pretty quickly and resorted to burn the strange debris so common around the foothill. The stuff is grey, light, and quite without use or beauty. When lit on fire it tends to melt, releasing a grey, chemical smoke. The man who is currently in tears from the wafting miasma is Elkvan. Elkvan Murr of the Mudnook Murrs, not that anyone outside that miserable hamlet would recognize the name. Elkvan had three options when he came of age. Become a mud-farmer like his ma and pa, become an ascetic and take up residence in the large depression that's either a star-crater or a titan's footprint (depending on what kind of ascetic you are). Making off one night with the family's pet eagle Ditmar, Elkvan chose the third option, enlisting with one of the Failed Cities' brave militias. General Selk's Star-Blessed Legion gav...