The New Economy 2 (The List)

In this post I'm trying to answer the questions from Jeff Rient's very useful list: twenty quick questions for your campaign setting . I left out a few as they were quite D&D-specific. What is the deal with my cleric's religion? The big guys are still here. Maybe yer man is a Muslim, a Lutheran or a Buddhist. Of course there are more exotic types like the Church of Based Loathing whose adherents believe that loathing is the only truth, the Star-Druids who stand out in the rain looking for spacecraft, and the Unity of Perspective who hope to understand the world by means of optics. Where can we go to buy standard equipment? One of those flea markets down by the overpass. Where can we go to get plate mail custom fitted for this monster I just befriended? A custom-fitted Kevlar vest will cost ya. A donation to the Anti-Scum Solution might help. They used to be riot cops, so they have the gear. Who is the mightiest wizard in the land? Beff Jezos, post-human mir...